Bible Study

Here are some Bible study helps that I developed over the course of my years in the pastoral and radio broadcast ministry that you may find helpful for your own study.

Bible Study Guides — Seven Bible study guides that make up a course in a simple question and answer format, designed for a self-paced study on such topics as Signs of the End, The Origin of Evil, The Judgment, and more.

Good News, Bad News — This is a study through the basics of the gospel presentation to encourage one’s intentional belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Guide to Biblical Prayer — An online study on praying biblically, and based on the four principles of prayer as taught by our Lord Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13.

Hope thru Scripture — My daily devotional book with verses in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation, offered as a free email subscription.

Team Reflections — Pastoral thoughts on selected Bible verses, ideal for group devotionals, each with shared principles and strategies.

Thru Revelation — These study notes offer highlights from a verse-by-verse teaching series given at CrossHope Chapel in 2021-2022.

Topical Verse Finder — This is a collection of 389 topics, listed in alphabetical order, that are linked to a page with Bible verses on that topic. This tool offers a way to quickly search for what the Bible says on a topic.


Recommended Study Resources:

Blue Letter Bible — Translations and language tools.

Enduring Word — Commentaries on the books of the Bible.