Hope thru Scripture

Join me in a free email devotional when you visit the Subscription Form and start an inspirational journey through 365 selected Bible verses in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation with brief pastoral insight, encouragement, and prayer application.

These daily devotions are taken from my book Hope thru Scripture. When you subscribe to these devotions you will receive these daily emails in your inbox each morning at 3:00 AM CST so it’s there when you awake.


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Archive Devotionals

January (Genesis – Nehemiah)  February (Job – Psalm)  March (Psalm- Proverbs)  April (Proverbs – Isaiah)  May (Isaiah – Jeremiah)  June (Jeremiah – Zechariah)  July (Zechariah – Matthew)  August (Mark – John)  September (John – Romans)  October (Romans – Philippians)  November (Philippians – 1 Peter)  December (1 Peter – Revelation)