Be Happy, Do Good, Enjoy Work
“I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live…and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.” — Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 NIV
The God of the universe takes pleasure in our happiness, our doing good, and enjoyment in our chosen careers. Sometimes God is portrayed as mean and exacting toward His creation but that simply is not true. The Scriptures actually say that “God is love” and true love wants the best for others, not harm or overbearing policing of our lives.
To understand God’s perspective, consider your perspective as a parent of your children. You want to see your children happy because it indicts that things are going well in other areas of their life, too. You’re happy knowing your children are happy. We can choose happiness by doing the things that make us happy, even while we faithfully do good in whatever circumstances are presented to us.
God also wants us to be happy through the work we do or the profession we chose. When we are doing a job that utilizes our natural gifting, our aptitude, and our skill set, we are happy. Not only are we happy, when everything is lined up, but those who we serve in that role are happy, too.