Sentence Sermons

December 1

Confrontation from wicked men means their conversation is over. Truth, no matter how well spoken, fuel’s the anger of those who hate God’s Word. At some point, he who is wicked will remain wicked.

December 2

The cross of Christ will be a study of the redeemed throughout the ages. It will never be exhausted how He who was the Majesty of Heaven could enter humanity to redeem us from our own fall.

December 3

Our Savior created the worlds, beheld the face of the Father, enjoyed the adoration of holy angels, yet He bore our sins on Calvary’s cross that we may know the life that He left.

December 4

This lost world broke the heart of the Son of God, but it could not stop His love. It caused Him unbearable sorrow, public humiliation, unspeakable pain, and crushed out His life on the cross.

December 5

Jesus was obedient where Adam was disobedient. The plan of redemption may seem like it’s taking too long but it is thorough in saving all it can and preventing sin from rising again.

December 6

The claims of Satan’s accusations against God and his evil injustice against humanity are on trial before the universe. All will choose sides and see the truth before the doors of eternal probation are closed.

December 7

The veil that divides Heaven and Earth will be drawn aside, and many mysteries will be made plain. In our eternal home the powers of our mind will be able to comprehend what we could not here.

December 8

Many churches today would consider Adam’s sin a mistake. They would urge God to forgive and forget, but they would also be the first to complain and blame God for not allowing free will.

December 9

The most encouraging truth in Scripture is the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ to complete the great work of His redemption. It is the promise of His appearing that is our sustaining hope.

December 10

The long continued rule of evil shall be broken and the Destroyer of our Eden home will answer for his crimes against Christ. The kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord.

December 11

Prayer, faith, and the promises of God’s Word are our constant companion as we wait for His appearing. It is not by use of our own strength that we will stand ready for the Lord’s return.

December 12

Do not leave the prophecies of the Revelation untouched in your study of God’s Word. There is hope in knowing the Lord will not delay and there is assurance in His promise as those events unfold.

December 13

A contentious argument of Bible truth is not soul-winning. Answer questions being asked, pray for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction, then get out of the way so they can behold Jesus.

December 14

One day we’ll all weep when it becomes plain that our past has been riddled with decisions that led us further from God’s plan for us. We will also rejoice to learn that God used that for His glory.

December 15

Some people may claim to have a message from God for you. Listen, but don’t follow until after it’s affirmed through Scripture and God tells you. After all, He can speak to two people at the same time.

December 16

We can be glad in the Lord, by rejoicing in the promises of His word and the power of His grace. Let’s guard against becoming pulled down by the cares of this world, by beholding Jesus.

December 17

Satan has been unkind to families, doing all he can to destroy them, but that will all be undone in Heaven. The family chain will be relinked as angels introduce us to loved ones once separated.

December 18

When the Bible says that our conversation is in Heaven, it means we ought to be talking about it, studying what God’s Word says on it, and rearranging our life to enjoy it for all eternity.

December 19

We are all judgment-bound and must soon give an account for our belief in Jesus Christ. Some will say they have faith in Him but books of Heaven will show that their actions say otherwise.

December 20

Prayer is much more than communication, it is communion with the Lord, as in being in His presence. If you want to know if you will enjoy Heaven, examine your prayer life.

December 21

Adam defaced God’s image in man through his disobedient fall into sin, and as a result we are depraved in our inclinations and weakened in our mind. We risk everything if we don’t trust in God’s Word.

December 22

With the Bible in your hand, open to the promise of God that speaks to turning your circumstances around, claim it by praying, “Lord I stand on this promise trusting you to fulfill your word.”

December 23

Christians may feel the weight of discouragement, experience sadness or deep grief, but not because they’ve lost faith in Christ, but because their mortality has not yet put on immortality.

December 24

Jesus came to remove the burdens of disease for man brought on by sinful disobedience. He is the great physician because He heals beyond the immediate symptoms to restore our eternal well-being.

December 25

The promise of the Redeemer was given to Adam and Eve just after they sinned. Jesus came the first time to atone for our sins but He will come the second time to bring salvation.

December 26

The character of Satan was fully exposed by the torture of the innocent Jesus and His cruel death on the cross. To the angels whom he deceived, it was now clear Satan’s evil intent was irreversible.

December 27

God could have stopped Lucifer before he spread his rebellion, but that would have raised up more in his place. Allowing his evil to be exposed is the surest way to assure sin is a one time one world event.

December 28

Christ is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. If we are overcome by sin we have Jesus as our Advocate. We are not cast off because we fall but when we refuse His grace to get back up.

December 29

The angels lingered on the Mount of Olives after the ascension of Jesus so they could encourage His disciples with a reminder that He will return just as surely as He ascended.

December 30

You may realize that your character is imperfect and your commitment is faulty but do not draw back in despair. The Savior is not unaware of your human frailty and His grace is sufficient for you.

December 31

Eternal life is a gift. It can not be earned through our goodness and it can not be withheld because of our badness, but it must be received by faith and kept by Christ’s grace.


Sentence Sermons

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